Designed in six topic-specific modules, The Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses helps clients gain a practical and personal understanding of how mental health conditions affect different aspects of their lives. Exercises and worksheets are created for either independent or facilitated use in one-on-one or group settings, and videos feature candid interviews with people speaking from personal experience.
Workbook and DVD sets can be purchased individually or with complete collection. Additional workbooks available for purchase to customize complete collection to your clients' needs.
Workbook and DVD examples and exercises help clients apply new insights and understandings to their own life experiences, creating meaningful change in practical and lasting ways.
Module components include a facilitator guide and six topic-specific workbooks (also available in Spanish) with corresponding DVDs. Depending on your clinical needs, you can purchase additional workbooks to build a customized toolbox.
The Complete Collection includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks for each module and 1 DVD for each module. All workbooks are available in Spanish, DVDs come equipped with Spanish subtitles.
Key Series Concepts- Understanding the science behind mental health disorders
- Relating mental health to different areas of life
- Identifying healthy coping strategies
- Challenging unhelpful thinking patterns
- Learning grounding and mindfulness techniques
- Discovering healthy habits to enhance well-being
- Developing assertive communication skills
- Planning for ongoing support
The Mental and Emotional Health Series: Client-Centered Behavioral Therapy Curricula
Complete Collection OverviewScope & Sequence Document

The Anxiety Disorders module explores the brain science behind common anxiety disorders and guides clients in grounding practices, mindfulness techniques and medication management. DVD examples and workbook exercises encourage clients to examine and challenge unhelpful thought patterns and practice healthy habits.
The Anxiety Disorders module kit includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks and 1 DVD.
Designed for adults who have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, the ADHD module helps clients understand the science behind their diagnosis and the role of medication in symptom management. Workbook exercises address time-management, substance use, stigma, emotional regulation, problem-solving strategies and healthy life skills.
The ADHD module kit includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks and 1 DVD.
The Bipolar Disorder module is designed to help clients with Bipolar Disorder Types I and II recognize and manage symptoms of mania, hypomania and depression. Worksheets on mood tracking and triggers encourage clients to reflect on past episodes and determine when to seek assistance. Exercises on thought management help clients cope with racing, distressing and suicidal thoughts.
The Bipolar Disorder module kit includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks and 1 DVD.
Designed for clients with chronic or severe depression, the Depressive Disorders module focuses on the science of depression, the importance of treatment compliance and ways to incorporate wellness practices into daily living to better manage mental health. Worksheet exercises help clients evaluate and challenge thought patterns that may be reinforcing depression.
The Depressive Disorders module kit includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks and 1 DVD.
Designed for clients who have attempted suicide or experience ideation, content and exercises in the Suicide module focus on building resilience, developing safety plans, maintaining support networks, managing medication plans and monitoring thoughts to reach out for help when necessary.
The Suicide module kit includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks and 1 DVD.
The Trauma & PTSD module focuses on trauma's impact on the brain and nervous system; adverse childhood experiences and generational trauma; skills to cope with triggers, stigma and unhelpful thought patterns. Workbook activities help clients manage medication regimens and identify strategies for handling recovery setbacks.
The Trauma & PTSD module kit includes 1 facilitator guide, 10 workbooks and 1 DVD.
Encompassing all six topics in this series, the facilitator guide provides information about the therapeutic approaches used in the series for clients with clinical diagnoses and describes treatment and medication options commonly used to help clients manage symptoms.
This comprehensive guide includes the following:
- Learning objectives
- Video summaries
- Discussion questions
- Tips for utilizing specific worksheets
- Group activities
- Easy-to-use charts identifying video segments that correspond with worksheets
Expert training empowers you to use the Mental and Emotional Health Series for Clients with Clinical Diagnoses facilitator guide, workbooks and corresponding videos to tailor therapy to meet your clients' individual needs.
Training Objectives
- Identify key evidence-based behavioral therapies and foundational clinical skills
- Learn customizable applications of the curriculum
- Recognize unique situations when using client workbooks
- Practice facilitation of the curriculum exercises, discussion topics and videos