Interactive Virtual and In-Person Professional Training
Training Opportunities: Reach More People with the Information, Care and Support They Need
Combine leading evidence-based and research-informed resources, curricula and trainings with your mission to strengthen community prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery solutions. These advanced training opportunities empower you to give people the resources and help they need—when they need it most. Call 1-800-328-9000 to learn more.
2025 Open Enrollment Training Opportunities
Our wide range of open enrollment training events combine the convenience of flexibility with the expertise and support of the behavioral health community. Browse the variety of topics, curricula and resources below to discover which development opportunity aligns with your and your clients' needs.
Customizable Independent Trainings
Your organization's training requirements don't always coordinate with pre-planned trainings. We're here to take a customized approach to your training needs as an invested partner. Whether you're in health care, the community, education, criminal justice or a government agency, our team is experienced in designing training plans that meet your current needs and future objectives. Additional treatment and recovery training topics are available, contact a sales manager to see full list. Call 1-800-328-9000 to learn more.

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Trainings are subject to date changes and cancellation. In the case this occurs, our team will contact registered customers.
Recorded Webinars
Holidays are traditionally considered joyous occasions. But they can also bring reminders of loss or grief. Join clinical scholar Damir Utrzan, Ph.D., LMFT, DAAETS to learn about grief and how to help clients incorporate strategies in managing symptoms during the holidays. This webinar is the second in a six-part series designed to showcase Hazelden Publishing's latest curriculum designed to serve clients with mild-to-moderate mental health challenges. LEARN MORE.
Recent world events have led an unprecedented number of Americans to experience depression. Whether individuals have struggled with it for a long time or had a more recent onset, all can benefit from simple strategies that alleviate symptoms. LEARN MORE.
When trauma happens, it can result in years of mental health and addictive disorders before a person seeks help. How can we as helping professionals transform years of unresolved trauma into a healing experience within a limited number of sessions? LEARN MORE.
Many in the academic and mental health field are predicting that as students return to school in September, an increased number of them will seek or require support from school mental health and resource staff. This informative workshop will provide school staff with a practical and conversational approach to initiating interactions with students about safety and suicide. LEARN MORE.
The majority of people in jails and prisons have substance use disorder, according to the National Institutes of Health. Join us on addressing substance use disorder within justice-involved populations, and learn how to use The Matrix Model for Criminal Justice to reduce recidivism in a virtual environment. LEARN MORE.
Looking ahead to the first day of school, consider your students' emotional well-being as they return in the fall. The past school year has been trying and unusual, and many students have faced varying degrees of hardship and stress. This webinar will provide an overview of the skills students need to build healthy stress management habits. Building protective factors and promoting self-efficacy through ongoing social skills development provides students with strategies and resources to resist turning to alcohol or substance use to cope with life's challenges. When students can set and achieve reachable goals, make responsible decisions, identify and manage emotions, and communicate effectively, they will have the tools in hand to address the challenges and opportunities they will face in their lives ahead. LEARN MORE..
This webinar will provide useful information on preventing school violence while giving insights into what schools around the nation have done to help students deal with the trauma of violence in their lives. Based on research done over the past 10 years, this training will help schools and communities prepare for a school shooting, while also addressing the emotional pain of separation, the grief of loss, and the trauma of violence our children have experienced over the past year. Participants will also learn insights to enhance their emergency response plans with recovery model options that should be a part of every school's crisis plan for recovery and intervention. LEARN MORE.
Whether your school is continuing in-person classes, extending virtual lessons, or transitioning back to physical classes—it's crucial that we foster safe and welcoming environments for our students.
Join experts from Clemson University and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation for an in-depth discussion on how we can prevent bullying—online and in-person. LEARN MORE.
Over the past forty years our knowledge of women's lives has increased dramatically, and we have added significantly to our understanding of the treatment needs of women with substance use disorders. Based on the Women's Integrated Treatment model developed by Dr. Covington, this webinar discusses the integration of the foundational theories: addiction, women's psychological development, and trauma. As the creator of the original definition of gender-responsive services, Dr. Covington also shares an updated definition as well as the current knowledge on the relationship between addiction and trauma. Resources for the development of women's services are provided including a discussion of women and The Twelve Steps. LEARN MORE.
This webinar presents a compelling case for including teen dating violence prevention in your school's efforts to improve school climate. Safe Dates, Hazelden Publishing's evidence-based program, has decades of research showing its ability to prevent and reduce teen dating violence by helping students develop skills for building caring and supportive relationships. In the decade since the last edition was published, the use of technology has exploded, gender norms have shifted, and the need for a program that teaches how to build healthy relationships has never been needed more. The third edition of Safe Dates addresses these current issues with a new, inclusive, and up-to-date curriculum. LEARN MORE.
Amidst the ongoing pandemic, we are facing new challenges in youth suicide prevention. How is the uncertainty and isolation affecting our youth? How do we have meaningful conversations with students in a virtual environment? How do we spot warning signs when we aren't in a physical classroom? LEARN MORE.
When trauma happens, it can result in years of mental health and addictive disorders before a person seeks help. How can we as helping professionals transform years of unresolved trauma into a healing experience within a limited number of sessions?
In this webinar, Dr. Stephanie Covington, co-author of two brief interventions for men and women, will discuss the most effective therapeutic strategies you can implement when your setting or situation only allows a short amount of time. LEARN MORE.
As bullying among children and youth remains a serious public health concern in the U.S., current data and effective strategies to prevent bullying are critical. During this webinar, Dr. Susan Limber will discuss the ins and outs of bullying, provide the latest data on the nature and prevalence of bullying among children and youth in the U.S. She will also highlight prevention best practices and describe findings from a study of bullying prevention efforts in U.S. schools in which researchers evaluated the effectiveness of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. LEARN MORE.
Ninety percent of justice-involved women have experienced sexual or physical trauma at some point in their lives.ยน Due to the prevalence of this issue and its negative impact on women's health and behavior, it is crucial that we provide evidence-based trauma support to incarcerated women.
Join Dr. Stephanie Covington for a webinar on embracing a gender-responsive and trauma-informed approach to working with justice-involved women. Dr. Covington will also provide recommendations for trauma-specific interventions. LEARN MORE.
Social-emotional learning (SEL) alone is not a best practice for violence prevention. However, SEL incorporated into a whole-school anti-bullying curriculum is key to building a positive classroom experience—in-person or virtually.
Join nationally recognized violence prevention experts from Clemson University for an in-depth discussion on incorporating social-emotional learning into your school's evidence-based bullying prevention efforts. LEARN MORE.
For many individuals with anxiety and/or substance use disorders, mental health struggles have become even more challenging during the pandemic. Social isolation, financial worries, relationship strain, employment uncertainty and barriers to care can increase psychological distress. How are your clients managing? Join Sanjaya Saxena, MD, of Rogers Behavioral Health, and Christopher Yadron, PhD, of the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, to examine emerging data on the adverse effects of pandemic life on mental health. Saxena and Yadron will also discuss warning signs of relapse and factors that may indicate an individual needs a higher level of care. LEARN MORE.
With in-person care options limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, how can treatment providers ensure patients with opioid use disorder receive the help and ongoing support they need? Learn from the experience of two Hazelden Betty Ford clinicians who have been instrumental in adapting treatment to meet the needs of this high-risk population. Ahmed Eid and Mary B. Kelly will discuss the use and effectiveness of virtual care delivery and describe adjustments to processes and policies made along the way. LEARN MORE.
The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a toll on family life--stretching the coping skills of family members, compounding stress for otherwise healthy kids and parents and leading to increased conflict. Stress is also a known risk factor for both adolescent and adult alcohol/drug misuse and addiction. Join our panel of addiction and prevention experts to identify risk and protective factors for families experiencing excessive stress and determine effective coping and parenting skills to help "re-regulate" family health and resilience. LEARN MORE.
Unlike most other emotions, anger is often perceived as negative or destructive. In fact, anger is a healthy emotion that can aid in bringing about healing and hope. People receiving care for substance use disorders and other mental health conditions tend to grapple with the idea of utilizing anger to benefit their recovery process. Join Hazelden Betty Ford clinician Princess Drake, PsyD, to take a closer look at the role of anger in healing. You will gain a better understanding of how to help clients put anger to good use—as an agent of change. LEARN MORE.
This special-focus webinar will explore the therapeutic implications of virtual addiction treatment. Burr will examine patient care and engagement, therapeutic benefits, fellowship, rapport and staff resiliency. She will also look ahead at possible addiction treatment options in a post COVID-19 landscape. LEARN MORE.
Join Hazelden Betty Ford clinician Jeff Stuhmer and interventionist Mark Rose for this information-packed webinar. You will learn how intervention works and what types of resources are most effective. LEARN MORE.
Join David Sherrell of FCD Prevention Works, Heidi Wallace of Hazelden Betty Ford in Oregon and Washington, and research scientist Kate Gliske to take a closer look at how e-cigarettes work, why they're marketed at youth, and why these products pose a particular risk as a gateway to nicotine addiction. LEARN MORE.
Join counselor Kate Roselle to examine how to help the families you serve when adolescent substance use is in the picture, whether services are delivered in-person or virtually. LEARN MORE.
Why virtual care for substance use disorders and other mental health issues is here to stay, and how these telehealth services will continue to evolve. LEARN MORE.
With Stephanie Covington
With a deeper understanding of the impact of trauma, clinicians are more equipped to recognize the unique trauma experiences men face.
How do you continue to create a safe and positive school climate in a virtual environment? Amid the stress and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, it's never been more critical to stay connected while supporting the social emotional needs of students and educators. LEARN MORE.
How do you continue to create a safe and positive school climate in a virtual environment? Amid the stress and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, it's never been more critical to stay connected while supporting the social emotional needs of students and educators. LEARN MORE.
Over the past 30 years, we've evaluated the unique treatment needs of women and girls. One dominate and reoccurring theme in the lives of women and girls is the interrelationship between addiction, mental health issues, and interpersonal violence (as well as other traumatic experiences). It's increasingly more important that social service providers are equipped to address trauma with their clients. LEARN MORE.
How do you organize a model for delivery of evidence-based virtual treatment? Join HBFF experts as we translate how to utilize our top evidence-based treatment curriculum, Living in Balance, to deliver standardized, efficient clinical care, utilizing a virtual platform. Given the flexibility and adaptability inherent in the Living in Balance program, the curriculum is well-suited not only for adaptation to virtual delivery, but also to provide concrete examples that illustrate key elements and conceptualization required to transition other evidence-based practices for delivery in a virtual environment. LEARN MORE.
Get insight into how the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is expanding care by leveraging technology to treat more people and to improve treatment outcomes. Hazelden Betty Ford has been developing and providing telehealth and digital health solutions to our patients since 2006 and recently has added, updated and repackaged this services under a new product family named RecoveryGo. In conjunction with the launch of RecoveryGo, Hazelden Betty Ford also launched a new Virtual Intensive Outpatient program which is an important enhancement to the continuum of care and an important solution to support the social separation initiatives as a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. LEARN MORE.
Family engagement and support are recognized as essential to the healing process for all involved in addiction treatment and recovery. But opportunities for in-person therapy are extremely limited if not impossible at this time. Join us to learn about transitioning your family programs or services to virtual care. Three Hazelden Betty Ford clinicians will share their insights and experiences in expanding the virtual reach of two family-focused programs: Connection for Families, an existing virtual-platform program that was recently augmented to meet the increasing need for family recovery support services; and the Family Program, an in-person program for family members now offered virtually. LEARN MORE.