For many women, newfound sobriety--with its hard-won joys and accomplishments--is often a lonely and unsatisfying experience. Here, pioneering therapist Stephanie Brown, Ph.D., helps readers understand that leaving behind the numbing comfort of alcohol or other drugs means you must face yourself, perhaps for the first time. With personal stories and gentle guidance, Brown helps readers unravel painful truths and confusing feelings in the process of creating a new, true sense of self.
"Recovery is not a move from bad to good, but from false to real. This is the transformation. The point of surrender and new abstinence represents a letting go of the old self... By accepting her loss of control, the woman in recovery opens the door to finding her real, authentic self, the woman she is underneath the layers of defense that have protected her—her false self—perhaps for her entire life."
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introduction and chapter one of:
A Place Called Self. This file is in PDF format.
Also available as an E-book—available to purchase from your favorite e-book retailer.
For many women, newfound sobriety¿with its hard-won joys and accomplishments¿is often a lonely and unsatisfying experience. Here, pioneering therapist Stephanie Brown, Ph.D., helps readers understand that leaving behind the numbing comfort of alcohol or other drugs means you must face yourself, perhaps for the first time.