The story begins at school as Tulip and her friend Pickle learn about STOP and Helping Hands, two methods, children can use in unsafe or violent circumstances. When Tulip comes home after school, she finds her father expressing his anger toward her mother in harmful ways. She rescues her brother Rocky and hides in her bedroom where she uses STOP and Helping Hands to think of people who can help them. She then leads Rocky to Pickle's house, where she calls her Aunt Loddy. Many children find themselves in unsafe situations without knowing what they can do to protect themselves.
This Tulip Doesn't Feel Safe DVD teaches children that they always have choices. They learn to trust their feelings, identify their options, and make decisions that will keep them safe. It gives children (K-3) simple and specific tools to use, and it helps correct the misconceptions kids often have that they cause the problems and that they can control, change, or cure them.
This video for children in grades K-3 teaches young kids that they have choices in unsafe situations. The video encourages children to trust their feelings, identify their options, and make decisions that will keep them safe.