Charlie Donaldson, M.A.

Charlie Donaldson is director of the Men's Resource Center in Holland, Michigan. He has specialized in working with men for twelve years and offers batterer intervention, substance abuse counseling, and men's therapy groups.
As an adjunct professor in the School of Social Work at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan. Donaldson specializing in working with male interns focusing on men's issues. He has presented seminars for other therapists on the psychology of men who abuse women, obstacles and approaches to working with men in therapy, risk and lethality issues for batterers, and interventions for angry and assaultive men.
Charlie was instrumental in creating the Batterer Intervention Service Coalition of Michigan and the Lakeshore Alliance Against Domestic and Sexual Violence of Ottawa County, Michigan. He is credentialed as a Limited Licensed Psychologist, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Certified Addictions Counselor I and holds M.A. degrees in English and in Counseling Psychology.
- Books
Stop Hurting the Woman You Love
Breaking the Cycle of Abusive Behavior
Softcover, 224 pp.