Elisabeth L.

Elisabeth L. grew up in Lexington, Kentucky. She has a son, a daughter, and five delightful grandchildren. She and her husband live in Virginia, dividing their time between Arlington and Midlothian, a suburb of Richmond.
Elisabeth joined Overeaters Anonymous (OA) in 1976. Although her abstinence has not been perfect, for 25 years she has maintained a weight between 120 and 125 pounds. More important, during that time she has been free of the compulsive overeating that controlled her life for at least 25 years before she found OA. One day at a time, she continues to be gratefully recovering.
Biographical lnformation
Program Manager, Eating Disorders Program, Washington Hospital Center,
Washington, DC 1984-1993
Cultural Affairs Department, Organization of American States, 1980-1983 Teacher, Music and English, Greenwich, Connecticut 1959-1961
B.A., Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio 1959
- Books
Food for Thought
Daily Meditations for Overeaters
Softcover, 400 pp.
Twelve Steps for Overeaters
An Interpretation of the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous
144 pp.
Inner Harvest
Daily Meditations for Recovery from Eating Disorders
Softcover, 400 pp.
App Apple Food for Thought
iPhone App
App Android Food for Thought
Android App