Family Coaching: For spouses, parents, caregivers, or anyone needing individualized support.
If you would like to receive a discount, please click above on GET PROMO CODE and fill out the requested information. Once you fill out the information, you will need to fill out your demographic information in order to see how much aid you received AND if you do need more of a discount than what is offered, please feel free to reach out to
- Registration tips: Create an account for registration to go smooth. Use an incognito window to create an account, right click here and chose to open in an incognito or private window.
- If you are renewing your sessions, please register here:
- **Please note that patients or the identified person struggling with substance use or co-occurring disorders DO NOT participate in coaching sessions**
For families navigating the journey through addiction, individualized support is often needed to navigate all the "what ifs" that can come up. Via web-based support, our licensed, trained professionals will guide you in your healing journey through the use of evidence-based skills and compassionate support. Family Coaching will support you in rebuilding trust with your loved one and your family as you heal.
Through Hazelden Betty Ford's Family Coaching services, Parents, caregivers, spouses, siblings and other family member will receive support to address any number of the follow concerns:
- Relationship skills
- Parenting skills
- Support in how to parent through the process of recovery
- Rebuilding trust
- Personal wellness and self-care
- Clarifying boundaries or limits
- Better understanding on why behaviors happen and how to respond for a different outcome
- What to do if your loved one doesn't want to enter treatment
- Better understand your role in the recovery journey
- How to provide support with caregiving/parenting when someone is struggling with addiction.
Cost is $451 for 6 30-min sessions OR 3 1-hour sessions and is per family. For example, parents interested in coaching, you will be participating in these sessions together. However, there can be multiple ways of how the members of your family use these sessions, please do not hesitate to reach out with questions on how Family Coaching can serve your family's needs. Please note, the identified patient/loved one does not participate in these calls with you.
To enroll in Family coaching, please click the Link above to select an option to Register Online or Get Promo Code. You can always continue past the first 6 sessions! We want to ensure that you have the support that you need. Your healing journey is important to us.
- If this is a new enrollment, you will be assigned a coach and receive an email introducing you with in 1-2 business days so that you can schedule your first session.
- If this is a re-enrollment, please reach out to your assigned coach to schedule your next session.
Please note, that family coaching does not diagnose or treat a psychological or mental health diagnosis for anyone participating in family coaching. If a mental health diagnosis is needed, please reach out to a Licensed Mental Health Provider to seek this assessment and diagnosis. If you have questions about this, please reach out to the family coordinator at 800-344-6132
After registering:
- You will receive 2 emails. One will confirm payment and the other will have further instructions.
- A coach will reach out to you within two (2) business days via email to schedule your first coaching session.
- All coaching sessions are conducted via Microsoft teams, you will get a link to book your first session and the link to join those sessions in that calendar invite. You can download the app here.
For questions, please call or email us at: 1-800-344-6132 OR
Family Coaches are all credentialed Family Service Professionals with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.